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Friday, September 17, 2010

Lawsuits, Medicine, and Shenanigans.

      ( article on medical lawsuit tort reform)

     I found this article to be very interesting and I encourage a good read for multiple reasons. I, being a nurse found this article to affect me on a clinical and personal level. I do not say that every medical lawsuit is unreasonable, for I work with doctors and am aware how not all are created equal. I also encourage anyone who does not know whom to pick for a doctor to do research and ask around about your healthcare provider because your doctor may have a great bedside manner and be a not so great practitioner and vice-versa.  Having said that, I thought the article was very clear and concise without a lot of bs concerning the definition of certain things, such as if a lawsuit if legitimate or not. The writer mentioned his opinion which was just to state the need for great care when setting boundaries on the definition of frivolous lawsuit. I also appreciated the very easy to follow break down of exactly what the tort proposes to change.

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