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Friday, October 1, 2010

Perry vs White: Oct. 19 gubernatorial


  I wouldn't say I'm either for against Rick Perry as Gov. This article is clearly calling Perry out on his decision to go to the Oct. 19 gubernatorial debate on the stipulation that " White releases his income tax returns from the 1990s, when he served as Texas Democratic Party chairman and as a U.S. Department of Energy official"  It calls Perry misguided, and arrogant in the belief he can set conditions on whether he'll debate White and says that they're disappointed in Perry. That may be, but Perry was invited, usually an invite implies the right not only to decline, but to say I won't go unless stipulations are met. Either way Perry did not say he would not debate with White he just said he may decline at this time, which is his right to do. It also says "We believe White should release those records, as he has" in essence making the argument moot since Perry got what he wanted and in theory will be going to the debates.
 Under fire along with Perry's decision to attend or not is his decision to keep details of the Ranger Recon plan out of public knowledge. Perry has released information about the results of this program such as 22 arrests have been made, vehicles and  1,739 pounds of marijuana were recently seized, but apparently that is not enough, although specifically what they liked to know is not really stated. Personally, I find the results to speak for themselves as I think Perry intended.   But if you were an ranger under cover would you want it known to everyone where you were operating and what strategies were being employed ? Of course not it would  make going under cover too risky for the Ranger Recon personnel. 
So as to whether Perry leaves voters in the dark,  click turn on a light.

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