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Friday, October 15, 2010

Out in America


Thu Oct 14, 2010 , by: Todd Hill

     In the original article "Coming out" in America must be made easier" by Todd Hill, he questions the very foundation in which our country is build on, the idea that made us the American we are today, our right to freedom to live how we choose. Cited is the increase in recent months of gay suicides, the brutality they suffered, and the fact that everyone has the right to make their lifestyle choice.  He uses the example of the recent Fort Worth city council meeting in which openly gay councilman Joel Burns shares his experiences on growing up and Coming out". This heart felt testimony as well as Hill's own are very moving and make a very sound argument for questioning our policy about these acts.  Implied is the idea that the this violence has something to do with political media today but unfortunately he shows no correlation between politic mudslinging and the abusive behavior we are seeing in our schools today. In conclusion he requests during this election we look toward the future community and moving forward in our search to continue to find unity, but he never states how that might be achieved. The article was over all very touching but I could not quite pinpoint a solution.

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