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Friday, October 29, 2010

Put up or Shut up Rick Perry

By Ciara O'RourkeW. Gardner Selby
Published on Wednesday, October 6th, 2010 at 11:42 a.m.

        Screen grab of Back to Basics "Face Us" ad

          In an earlier post I discussed Rick Perry's avoidance of a public debate. I chose this article to give me further insight into what all the fuss is about concerning his reluctance to throw down if you will, and talk the talk, about his walk. The bare bones of it is Back to Basics ads on calling out Perry on some of his earlier claims and actions.
         The first topic is whether of not there is truth to the mudslinging claim made by competition Bill White stating "Perry spends 9,900 monthly rent, which cost taxpayers a total of $362,700 + ." I was appalled to find this is a true statement and I am disgusted for obvious reasons, such as that's almost what I pay in rent for a year in one month. The second topic up for scrutiny is the idea that Perry "balanced five state budgets and cut spending." This is also true, but he has to, it is in the state constitution so I was not impressed. The article  states "Perry brags about balancing the Texas budget, but he "always fails to mention, however, his letter to President Obama accepting his $16 billion share of Washington D.C. stimulus money to fill the gaping budget in his last budget."  And that is just the beginning for Perry when it comes to covering up too much spending.  The rest of the article discusses PAC's claims concerning alleged increases in tuition and whether or not a cap may be eased for the number of children in class rooms.
          Unfortunately for Rick Perry this article convinced me that it is time to be held accountable for his actions to us as Texans. It's time to "Face Us" and set the record straight.

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